Amitabh Bachchan on the completion of one year of his new passion - Blogging

Blogging seems to have become a leading interest in your life. When and how did you develop an interest in it?
It is not a leading interest, but I can safely say that blogging seeks my involvement every day. I had heard of the concept, but had no idea what it was and what it entailed. I heard of Aamir having one and during a discussion with BigAdda who were designing my website, I enquired after it. They happily put the whole concept together within days, trained me on some essentials for its operation and I made a soft beginning. It has been most enlightening since.

Did it occur to you that you may not have the time to pursue blogging seriously?
No. That didn't bother me. What worried me was my absence from it, once having started it 'seriously'. To me it is a wonderful medium to be able to connect with my fans and well -wishers.

What is it about blogging that you like the best?
The ability to convey individually and personally my feelings to the reader, secure in the thought that it shall reach them without any corruption.

You are an extremely private person. And yet you seem happy sharing your day-to-day activities with your bloggers' community. How and why did that happen?
I think this is a completely erroneous notion in the minds of those that form opinions on me. What may I ask, leads one to believe that I am an 'extremely private person'? Every day of my life for the last 40 years I have been going in front of the camera and exposing, or at least trying to expose, every possible emotion or attitude that I possess. Actors are indeed as transparent as they can possibly be when in front of the lens. You come to know how they speak, how they laugh, how they cry, how they dance and run and emote and.... What more would you want to know about them to declassify them from privacy? I lead a normal life, just as any other. If the media is not aware of it, or has failed to discover it, which in today's very intrusive environment I find difficult to believe, then the onus is on them. Just because media is unable to gather much about you publicly, does not mean that you are private.

How close do you feel to these faceless friends who visit you regularly on the blog?
'Faceless' is a harsh term. I refer to them as my 'extended family'. They confide in me. They show affection and concern. They get upset at times and reprimand me. They share their dreams and ambitions with me. They seek answers and opinions from me. They show respect to me as an elder. They abuse me and most importantly, they miss me when I am not there on time. Are not all these wonderfully domesticated attributes? And now very soon my server BigAdda is developing software where my readers will be able to put up their photograph on the blog against their name. So they shall no longer be 'faceless'. Also as we go along, due to the massive patronage in numbers from the readers, many more exciting features are being developed to bring them closer to me. We already have the MoBlog feature functioning, which enables me to write onto the blog through my mobile. And soon I shall have the facility to be able to record on blog with my voice, or dictate a message to them and then finally for them, in time, to be able to communicate their response to me via the mobile. The numbers are quite phenomenal - 25,000 number of visits per day, and over 100,000 page views per day. Multiply and do some mathematics on this from April 2008, every day and the figure is quite amazing. So this shall become eventually a huge exercise in communication management!! My extended family extends further!!

Amitabh Bachchan Are there any special friends /fans on the blog?
To me they are all special. Each one of them. Unique and sincere in whatever they express.

You've certainly enriched their lives by your presence. How have your blogging buddies enriched your life?
Brilliant question!! And one that I am so happy to answer. They enrich my life by their honesty and frankness. By pulling me out of my closet at times and showing me a mirror. By critically analysing events and moments. By educating me on my faults. By acclaiming creativity, not just mine but wherever they see it; a director, a film, an artist a colleague they admire and appreciate, or do not. A moment in time which requires attention and comment. Just such a vast library of information and expression. Some possess absolutely astonishing ideas and vocabulary, distinct and classified. Others bring forth their personal problems and expect nothing more than a patient ear. It's like being in a closed room with each one of them. I follow them and at times correct myself through what they suggest. I also disagree with them and explain why. A most enriching exercise all of it. Whether or not I enrich them is really for them to answer.

How much time do you devote to blogging? Is it now a mandatory part of your daily life?
I blog whenever I get the time. It could be during the day at work, or late at night just before dropping off to sleep. Sometimes, I convey rapidly, most of the time not. But I do convey everyday. As I write to you I am on DAY 271. Not a single day missed since when I started, in April 2008. And may I have the strength to continue in this fashion.

How different is your interaction with them as compared with what you share with regular person-to-person fans?
The same... No different.

Your command over the language is being oohed and aahed about. Has blogging polished up your writing skills?
I have no writing skills. I write what comes to my heart when the computer is ready to digitize my thoughts. The 'oohing' and 'aahing' is more perhaps, I am certain, because of my inadequacy in the craft.

Do you feel liberated of the need to put your thoughts and voice across on the media?
Yes I do. Liberated to give my expression as opposed to that which is perceived. Liberated to contradict a mischievous and evil accusation. Liberated to be able to inform in the correctness of things. Liberated to spread the literary genius of my Father; a due that poets and writers never ever achieve in their lifetime. Liberated from the fear of that sensationalised 'cut and paste' headline the following morning, the following week or following month. Liberated to share a private moment with those that understand and show sympathy. Liberated to have a voice without ulterior benefit. Liberated to feel the warmth and love from those that express, instantly. Liberated to construct a passage into my heart and head. Liberated to be able to challenge. Liberated to accept defeat and to seek the strength to overcome it. Liberated to criticize criticism and to acknowledge acclaim. And finally, liberated to stand up to 'wretched' puerile kindergarten rhymed opinion makers and be able to exercise the constitutional right of every living Indian ; the freedom of my expression.

Finally, has blogging freed you of the inhibitions regarding your privacy? Are you now more inclined to write an autobiography?
I am incapable of writing an autobiography!
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