Daredevil Zinta's back in business!

“Sometimes in life, you have small mountains to climb and small fears to conquer,” states actress-cum-entrepreneur Preity Zinta. No, she didn’t

expound these words of wisdom at a philosophical meet; on the contrary, the bubbly Preity was talking about her first-time experience at bungee-jumping and sky-diving! The always-full-of-life actress was in New Zealand last week for the India-New Zealand cricket matches, and she’s come back super excited. No, not just because India won but because of the mind-blowing adventure sports she did there, courtesy, she says, New Zealand Tourism.

“This has been a complete action-packed, adrenaline-pumping trip,” says an excited Preity, as she talks of her sporting encounters in the adventure capital of the world. For not only did she take the gigantic leap from the 47 metre-high Waikato River Valley, but she also indulged in sky-diving and the heart-pounding Huka Jet Boat ride. “I have always wanted to do bungee-jumping, but somehow never got the chance before. So it was literally a dream come true for me,” says Preity. Her only thoughts as she was being strapped on, she says, were of all the Indian Gods! “There are certain moments in your life when you think of your whole life in two seconds... this was one of those moments. My heart was pumping so fast with excitement, and then suddenly I went blank. I had no thoughts. I just knew I had to jump!”

Although the daredevil Preity isn’t scared of heights, she admits she is, er was, scared of water. But after taking the Jet Boat ride, that too is a thing of the past. “After doing the bungee-jump, the Jet Boat was a piece of cake,” she laughs. Ask her to sum up her free fall experience and she tells us that “it’s an inexplicable high. Bungee-jumping goes well with my theory on life, that when you’re down, the only place you can go is up!”

What also made the entire experience more special was the place — besides the fact that both the bungee-jump and the Jet Boat were invented in New Zealand, Preity shares a special connection with the country. “My first major commercial hit, Soldier, was shot there as well as many of my other hits. Besides, it’s a lovely country with amazing scenic beauty.” So she would do it all again, huh? “Absolutely! I’d do it anytime I get the opportunity!” says the self-proclaimed adventure junkie.

Veer towards cricket and the upcoming IPL and Preity beams again. “But before the IPL, I’ve got Deepa Mehta’s Videsh – Heaven on Earth releasing. And I’m shooting for other films too. People say Preity Zinta’s gone, but I’m back in business!” she signs off, the excitement still ringing through her voice.
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