Star Diets Revealed: Shilpa Shetty

Shilpa Shetty: "I don't avoid any food. My calorie intake is about 2000 per day. I don't need that much carbs because I don't do manuel work .Because I work out, I don't cut down on my carbs. So the scale tilts towards high protein.

I'm a non-vegetarian on every day of the week except Thursdays. My breakfast every day is a bowl of porridge and normal tea. My morning chai is a must. Then I work-out (3-4 times a week). After I return I've a protein shake, two dates and eight black raisins. 

My lunch at 2.30 pm comprises one roti made of five different kinds of grains that I learnt about at the Oneness camp. Very high-fibre and protein-friendly. And I must have ghee on my roti, can't do without ghee on my roti, vegetables done in refined oil, chicken and daal. 

Then if I've craving for something sweet I have a kulfi or a chocolate. I've green tea late afternoon and I've lots of hot water throughout the day. I've been addicted to hot water for five years. Evening, I've a flavoured soya milk. 

Then a chai….no food until dinner, unless I feel hungry then maybe an omelette sandwich. Dinner it at 9.30—lettice salad with promegrenate or apple ..a clear soup. And I avoid roti in the night. I'm a late sleeper. 

I'm a tv addict. I watch tv till I go into meditation before sleep. Do I feel like a pioneer in physical fitness? I've always been an athlete, my father was national-level sportsperson. My sister Shamita is more into physical fitness."

Dino Morea: "I go up to 10000 calories a day. I eat a lot. Five meals a day. I am just careful about where and what I eat. That's all. If I'm cutting down on my weight I avoid sugar and excessive carbs and increase the protein intake.

If I need to bulk up I increase the carb intake. Fruits and vegetables are a must anytime. I don't drink much. Don't smoke at all. Otherwise I just eat what makes me happy.

Himesh Reshammiya: "I'm following the 1400 calorie diet a day. I've stopped chawal, rotis, breads and sweets completely. I do eat nachni rotis which are very low on calorie When I'm not dieting I eat everything, no restrictions on quantity or intake.

Neil Nitin Mukesh: "My calorie count would be about 2500 a day. Then I burn out approximately 1, 000 to 11, 00 per day. These days I'm eating steamed fish for both lunch and dinner. 

I take in approximately 140 grams of proteine. Besides that I avoid carbohydrates and fatty foods as much as possible because there's a tendency to put in weight in my family.

Manisha Koirala: "I follow a less-carb diet. I take a lot of salads, vegetables and soupls. Plenty of water and no fried food."

Tusshar Kapoor: "Protein shake with muesli in the morning after work-out . For lunch I take roti, tandoori chicken with vegetables. In the evening I have egg whites. For dinner I follow the same diet as lunch without the roti.

Sonu Sood:"I start my day with a glass of lukewarm water and some papaya. Then I head to the gym. After that I have an eggwhite omelette with fresh juice. I make sure to have light meals every three hours. 

I have carbs only in the afternoon. In the evening I take fruits and sprouts. No carbs in the night. Only salads and soups and boiled eggs. But before 8 pm. Calorie count varies. But I keep a serious check on junk food and oily stuff.

Celina Jaitley: "I eat seven mini meals every day after every two-and-a-half hours.Breakfast is a must. I've lots of fruits and nuts. I also drink 7-8 cups of green tea a day. But no calorie- count because my intake depends on the amount of body-stress per day. 

My first meal is at 8.30 am. It's two eggwhites boiled, whole wheat toast. Second meal is at 11 am. It's a bowl of whole-wheat museli with milk. The third meal at 1 pm is one chapaati, sabzi and daal.Around 3.30 pm I've coconut water with dry fruits and green tea. 

At 5.30 pm I've tea, fruits and a smoothie. At around 8 I've my last meal for the day which is steamed fish, soup and salad. In between meals I've one green tea and one full glass of water. I don't drink or smoke.

Amrita Arora: "I try and eat at least 1800 calories a day. Skimmed milk, fruit, dal, roti, sabzi and fish for lunch. Poha for nashta. Yoghurt at 7 pm. And then dinner –paalak soup, steamed fish, salad.

Bipasha Basu: "I follow no diet regime at all. I just work out like crazy in the gym and keep on my toes the whole day."

Aryan Vaid: "I eat healthy. And I don't count calories For breakfast I have protein shake and yoghurt. For lunch I have ten boiled eggwhites, two pieces of bread and some chicken. Plus a small dessert or mithai.

In the evening I've six eggwhites and a protein shake. Dinner is ten boiled eggwhites chicken and salad. No bread for dinner. Before sleeping I've a protein shake again with yoghurt . This should add up to about 2000 calories. But I don't monitor my calories. I just eat healthy.

Sophie Chowdhary: "Never counted the calories. I'm a foodie. I just try to eat healthy.. I start the day with ginseng tea, a few soaked almonds, small bowl of papaya and an eggwhite omelette.

Post-gym I either have a half a protein shake or an apple depending on the time. For lunch I have chicken, daal, sabzi and maximum one roti. At 5 pm I've chai and a handful of nuts or frozen yoghurt or an organic food bar.

For dinner it's souped and steamed fish or grilled chicken. Lots of green tea throughout the day. And yes I do cheat on my diet twice a week. But don't tell my trainer. Ha ha.

Riya Sen: "I can't diet! As soon as I think of dieting I start thinking of chocolates. But I'm into controlled eating.

Every time I'm hungry during the day I eat . But I control the quantity. I'm not over-ambitious about my workouts.

I've never had a really major weight problem. I hate the over-worked-out look in women. I believe Indian woman look best when they're slightly voluptuous.I love to swim, do light-weights, attend dance classes and I do spinning.

Tanushree Dutta: "I don't count my calories. But I eat healthy. And my diet keeps changing according to my level of fitness. 

Nowadays I start my day with cereals with milk and eggs. Then I've 5 small meals throughout the day comprising chicken fish and vegetables. 

Right now I'm completely off sweets and junk food."
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