For the first time in the last three years, Upen Patel will be able to spend time with his mom during the festival of lights. Upen's mom who lives in London, is presently in the city. He has booked her on a flight to South Africa (where he is going for a shoot) so they could celebrate Diwali together.
Patel says, "I haven't been able to share much time with my mom. In fact, even though she's in India more often than before, I have been very busy with work. However, we are spending Diwali together. Festivals are always family time and I didn't want her to be alone."
Upen is shooting for an ad in South Africa and arranged for Mrs Patel to join him, "She keeps complaining that I don't spend time with her. Now I have got her a ticket and we both will be travelling to Cape Town and then Johannesburg. It will also be an opportunity for me to finish my work and also be with her at the same time."
He adds, "Diwali is special for me, and this year I plan to look at the positive side of life. I am working very hard with the films I have and will be coming up with some good releases next year."
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