Salman plays an 18th century warrior from Central India in Veer

Salman Khan's period film Veer is set in the 18th century and covers the period from 1820 to 1930. A source related to the film reveals the story of Veer revolves around a sect of people called the Pindaris.

The Pindaris were a horde of cruel marauders, who from their headquarters in Central India ravaged and plundered the neighbouring regions as well as some distant areas.

During the eighteenth century, they adopted plundering and robbery as their profession. The Marathas armies employed the Pindaris in their battles as auxiliary forces.

It is learnt that the film will be extensively shot in various locales in London and Rajasthan. Salman and director Anil Sharma are looking out for able-bodied men who will play the Pindari warriors along with Salman.

The source says, "Salman plays the title role of Veer in the film. He's a Robin Hood of sorts, who robs the British officers and helps the poor. Salman has watched Mel Gibson's The Patriot and was quite impressed with the gun battle scenes. He wants to do the same with Veer."
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